200 | Success | The Api was called successfully. | 调用成功 |
400 | EntityAlreadyExist | The request entity is already exist. | 请求创建的对象已存在 |
404 | EntityNotExist | The require entity is not exist | 查询对象不存在 |
400 | ProductNotActive | Sam product is not activate. | 访问控制产品未激活 |
400 | InvalidParameterValue | The parameter %s cannot accept value %s. | 参数 %s 不允许为 %s |
400 | ParameterAssembleInvalid | Multiple parameter assemble illegal | 多个参数组合异常 |
400 | GroupNameExist | The group name is already exist. | 组名称已存在 |
400 | BeyondGroupQuota | Beyond user group quota. | 创建用户组个数达到最大限度 |
400 | GatewayDeny | The origin gateway is not permit to access the api. | 来源网关不允许访问该接口 |
400 | DataFormatError | role semantic error | 角色语法错误 |
400 | BeyondGroupMaxMember | Beyond group user max member. | 超过组最大成员上限 |
400 | AlreadyJoinGroup | Already join group. | 已加入组 |
400 | AlreadyBind | Policy already bind. | 策略已绑定 |
400 | SemanticError | Semantic is error. | 语法错误 |
400 | DeleteCurrentVersion | Can't delete current used policy version. | 不能删除当前正在使用版本 |
400 | ReservedOneVersion | Policy should reserved one version at least. | 策略至少需要报销一个版本 |
400 | BeyondPolicyQuota | Beyond user policy quota. | 超过用户策略数量上限 |
400 | BeyondPolicyVersion | Beyond user policy version number | 超过策略版本上限 |
400 | BeyondRoleQuota | Beyond user role quota. | 超过用户角色数量上限 |
400 | UnsupportedAction | Action is not support. | 不支持的Action |
400 | UnSupportedFeature | The request feature is not supported. | 功能目前不支持 |
403 | UnauthorizedOperation | You are not authorized to perform operation (%s) on resources (%s) | You are not authorized to perform operation (%s) on resources (%s) |
400 | PolicyNameReserved | The policy name is reserved by system. | 系统保留的策略名称 |
400 | MissingParameter | The required input parameter %s for processing this request is not supplied. | 缺少%s参数 |
500 | InternalServerError | Internal server error | 内部服务异常 |